I always have to wake my husband up and it’s super annoying. I have to wake him up for work, I have to wake him up when the baby’s crying and it’s his turn to do the feeding, I have to wake him up on days off when our toddlers up. He never just wakes up. He insists I’m rude when I wake him up, but that’s because he never remembers my first 3 attempts where I nudge him gently and say, “Hey, it’s time to wake up, the babies are up.” Or if I just gently pat his back to wake him up. He said hugs would help wake him up. I’ve tried that. Guess what all the “gentle” ways of waking him up do? Absolutely nothing. So after the 3rd/4th time, I get annoyed and just tap him and say, “Hey, you need to wake up.” And then of course he begs for more time to sleep, which sometimes I say yes, sometimes I say no. When I say no, it still takes another 3-4 times of waking him up in increasingly rude ways (shaking, saying “get the fuck up,” etc.”). When I let him sleep more and we agree on a time he needs to wake up, he never sets an alarm and I have to wake him up. Either way, it’s just annoying. I have a 19 month old and a 6 month old. Why the fuck am I having to wake you up like a god damn teenager? He always says I wake him up rudely, but again, it’s because he *never* remembers the first 3/4 attempts of me trying to wake him up and I have two kids we need to take care of, so why am I going to keep trying nicely if it doesn’t work but being rude works? Maybe get the fuck up on your own if you’re so mad about how I wake you up. We literally get into fights on all his days off and he always says he wouldn’t be as mad if I woke him up in a nicer way. I’m about to fucking install a camera or something to show him that I *do* try to wake him up nicely and it doesn’t work! I don’t have the luxury of time and taking 30 minutes to *gently* wake him up. He’s a grown ass man.

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