*Other than* insurance benefits and compensation.

  1. Our second office location is near my parents, so if I crash there for a night I can get around €50 in compensation for travel costs I’m not incurring.

  2. Company car, but that is not very original here… Also, my company has adhered to a program where employees get some rebates on a series of online sales, with some very big names (locally and internationally). The one I have used the most (pre-Covid at least…) is 20% off on movie tickets. I have also had some good discounts on some electronic devices like a phone or a headset.

  3. I can walk to my workplace.

    They give us a daily menu.

    And for some weird reason we have a free will (testament) service.

  4. I can use specialized tools and our company’s workshop for personal DIY-stuff.

    btw: the only insurance benefits I get are insurances for work accidents..

  5. I don’t get insurance benefits.

    I think the vacation days are pretty awesome. I get 35 days off plus all the Swiss and cantonal holidays (11 days, I think). My company also has a week or so where no one works at all between Christmas Day and New Years, and no one really counts those as days off.

  6. I have several different jobs.

    The most important things for me are…I enjoy what I do, and I control my schedule,to some extent anyway!

    So…I can take long trips in the summer, which is mostly when I travel.

  7. insurance benefits is possible worst perk of my job, lol. Exists but the amount given is close to nothing. It was laughable when I joined company years ago and didn’t changed since then. Couple of my colleagues are not even involved in it as it is not worth of hassle for them.

    The best perk is time flexibility and job itself not really eating lot of hours daily.

  8. Flexibility and balance. We are “forced” to take time off if we have worked too much overtime. And we are practically never asked to do overtime, people just do because they are having a flow moment or want to finish something.

    Also free lunches, snacks and drinks.

  9. Semi-autonomy, being treated with respect/listened to are my main things. But in terms of tangible benefits, lunch discounts, monthly get togethers, recreation benefit, working from home 4 days a week, summer holiday bonus, overtime not being expected and actively discouraged for a better work/life balance and mental health. Free private health cover. Phone + contract paid.

    Edit: Just saw you mentioned other than compensation. Therefore, managing my own work, agenda, hours.

  10. I can choose when I want to work…
    I can take a day of with one day warning.

    My company pays 12% of my salary to my pension.

  11. Sometimes I get to spend my entire night shift in bed because nothing happens and they even pay me more than regular. Pretty sweet.

  12. -Diverse and interesting clients

    -personally right amount of responsibility

    -I like CAD designing

    -working close with and to the workshop, at the end of the day I can see the things I did on PC in real life

  13. additional vacation around Christmas and new year. Quite slow/normal pace of work.

  14. Financial-based perks:

    I work 38h 30 mins a week and the extra 3h 30 mins a week gets added to my paid holiday time, so I get more paid holiday than I know what to do with.

    Once I get to the end of my work contract, I can claim jobseeker’s allowance of around half my current daily salary for a period of 8 months. As a junior academic on fixed temporary contracts I can’t tell you how valuable this is.

    My commuting costs are partially subsidised by my employer so I only have to pay around 35-40 euros a month out of pocket.

    As part of my job (before COVID) I would travel to conferences abroad. For whatever reason the institution I work for pays expenses at a fixed daily rate regardless of your actual expenses, so if you go to a conference in a cheap country like Spain you’re going to end up actually making money for having gone there.

    Perks of the actual job (I’m a research scientist):

    – You’re doing something that’s genuinely really cool

    – Major street cred

    – You’re independent and get to guide your own research, you don’t (always) have to do what your boss says

    – You get to surround yourself with genuinely interesting and intelligent people

    – I can go into the office in my pyjamas if I want

    – Very flexible working hours and generally not a lot of really tight deadlines you have to meet

    – Under ordinary circumstances, you get to travel a lot

  15. Snacks. I work in the bakery and ice cream industry so we regularly get stuff to eat. And since a few months we have ice cream machines where the ice cream department can tests out flavours and things so when they’re making fresh ice cream we always get some as well. I literally just finished some.

  16. The free company gym (weight lifting , group exercises, yoga, …) Is quite a nice perk.

  17. Flexibility. I can start working at 8 or at 10:30 and nobody will say anything.

  18. I‘m a plumber:

    – Company work van
    – along with a massive array of tools that I can use privately
    – limitless extra work that pays well
    – good contacts with other trades people (electricians, painters, carpenters, etc.) for when I need something done privately

  19. Not that exiting tbh, but we get 2 special vacation days for the 24th and 31st of December. While we get 30 normal vacation days and we usually close our office during christmas and new years time, it’s till pretty nice that we get 2 extra days there.

  20. My coworker has been pretty successful with his investments, like he really knows what he is doing. Which has been by far the biggest perk for me, since I’ve learnt a ton from him and listening to his thoughts is great for my own portfolio.

  21. Personally, the time/place flexibility. Very small branch office of one person and clients always have scheduled meetings, so it doesn’t really matter where am I and when I do what I need. For example, there’s court proceedings in an hour. But because the court is 10 minutes of walk from my house, I’m on my couch in sweatpants right now finishing some documents.

  22. Extreme flexibility and freedom. I’m a software developer and moved into specialist contracting. I get projects or tasks to work on and I get deadlines for those, then it’s up to me when and where I do the work. There’s a few scheduled meetings but everything else is usually up to me. If I want to work during the weekend or start work at noon, or go to another city and work from there, that’s fine for me to do.

  23. I like it?

    If you mean like actual benefits, basically everything that we have by right: proper down time, sick leave, 5 weeks of holiday, partially paid parental leave, etc.

  24. Current job offers €9 per day for lunch from an office lunch supplier – up to 3x/week, so €27.

    People here get *reaaaaal* creative with how to maximize their €9/day hahaha.

  25. Work and time off is on a 1-1 basis
    Other than that there’s a guy called “The cook” that’s feeding me 3 meals a day, my office has 360 windows and the scenery changes constantly around me.

  26. I don’t have fixed working hours (I work in Austria). Basically I come when I want and leave when I want, I have to work a certain amount per week and they just care that the job is done

  27. I get to spend a lot of time outside when the weather is great ( the downside is I also have to spend a lot of time outside when the weather isn´t great)

    I only spend 35 hours per week at work

    I get to go home at 12 pm every 4th friday

    I get free hugs and cuddles whenever I want


    I´m a teacher working at a preschool with children aged 1-6 years.

  28. I have been working from home for 12 years now. That used to be a big deal back in the day, now it’s slowly becoming more normal. I like it a lot since I don’t need to waste time on commute and it usually feels more casual. There was a time that I lived 500 metres from the office and I still would usually work from home. Now it saves me an hour of commute.

    Also, I love programming.

  29. Not much perks I’m afraid… I think the only real perk is that my company will reimburse all travelling costs to my place of work when using public transport.

  30. Virtually no limit on IT expenditure. We can get a lot of the newest and expensive stuff if we substantiate our requests enough. Everyone who works from home gets a recent Surface tablet, a dock, mouse, keyboard, and two 1440p monitors.

    By comparison, a lot of other companies skimp on the IT budget and employees have to make do with old crap.

  31. I have AC in my forklift and we go home earlier on fridays and days before holidays but our new owner wants to remove all that… So Im leaving.

  32. Some perks from different jobs in the past:

    – Beer and wine parties at 11 am
    – Free potato chips
    – Cruising along highway 11 in Hawaii in a Chevrolet Corvette cabrio
    – Free litchis and rambutans
    – Free insects for eating
    – cheaper mortgage
    – Unlimited public transport card for the entire Netherlands
    – adjustable desk, office chair, large screen and headset for working at home
    – Swimming in a lake at lunchtime
    – Going on patrol with the police
    – Working in beautiful nature areas

  33. I get 140 euro per year for exercise stuff.

    Sometimes I buy food and drinks for fika on company money and I can actually go to a bakery and spend 5x the amount a convenience store has them for.

  34. I work only about 6 months out of the year and the rest of the time I spend time teaching (chill hours) and traveling.

  35. * It takes me less than 10 minutes of foot to get there from home.
    * None of us at home have to go out to the pharmacy anymore if we don’t have something because I work in one. And because I work there I can take something and pay for it later, because I’m there five or six days a week. I could also pay less for the stuff I buy but I don’t do that because I don’t want to lower my mark-up.
    * As a pharmacist I can write prescriptions for myself and my family members like it’s nothing, but without any refunds (although it’s actually a perk from having my job license, not really doing my job). If I wanted to prescribe something with a refund or something like Xanax, I’d have to have some documents stating that I actually need to do this.
    * Samples. LOTS of free samples of cosmetics or dietary supplements.
    * I could say that I’m selling hard drugs and I get paid for that. And it’s completely legal.

  36. There is a direct bus from my closest bus stop that will take me within easy walking distance of my office, and I often fall asleep on it, in the mornings that is not a problem, as I get off at the final stop, and in the evenings it is aslo not an issue as the bus turns sharply just before the stop ahead of mine, that turn wakes me up enough not to miss my stop.

    It is brilliant.

    The bus ride varies in time due to traffic conditions, in the summer it takes about 30 min, in the peak traffic season it can take 75 min, usually it is about 45 min though.

  37. Free running shoes and cloth every now and then plus a huge discount on everything we sell – I am working as a running expert at a running store.

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