Girl randomly broke up with me and I feel used.

I was dating this girl for a while and things were going fine, or so I thought they were. Occasionally she would get mad at me because I wasn’t a very talkative texter or maybe didn’t reply the right way, basically how I talked as whole. As well as other weird stuff.

We would hangout at times and slowly but surely they would feel less like dates and more like chores. Helping her move apartments, driving her to the dentist, waking me up late at night to pick her and her drunk friends up.

Fast forward and we were still dating, things seem to be fine and she said we needed to talk. I assumed it was something really serious. So I go over the next day and she explains how she doesn’t like how I used shortened versions of word during texting like I’ll say GM instead of good morning. I thought this was quite dumb and really not important at all. The fact that I’m saying good morning at all should be enough. As well as other stuff like how I don’t initiate conversation as much or don’t talk that much. But that’s just who I am as a person, I’ve never been a big talker. I don’t know what she wants me to do about that. I mean I’ve tried and given effort but then she seems like she doesn’t wanna talk so I just decide not to continue.

Couple days go by, things were going well, I was at the store asking if she wanted me to get her some stuff while I’m out. She said no I’m fine, I replied with a thumbs up emoji and she got very mad. Telling me “You know I don’t like when you do that” At this point I was just kind of tired of it and very confused. We talked for a little bit and she said we would be better off as friends I agreed.

But recently it’s been bugging me, it seemed so dumb to end it over something like an emoji. I feel like maybe she didn’t even really like me and just used me to help her move and get stuff done. Or maybe she cheated on me and didn’t wanna tell me so broke it off over something so stupid.

I’ve been wanting to ask her this and really find out and answer because I feel like I deserve it. Should I? Or just leave it alone and move on?

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