Because I don’t have social skills, I have a couple of friends but they see me as the person who’s not really good at talking to girls. A person with no game as they say. I’m not unattractive but I can’t talk to girls unless I am under an influence of drugs I won’t name. I hate that I have to rely to a substance in order to have good social skills. I want to be sober and just be spontaneously good at talking to people.

My family got separated when I was 8 because my father is an alcoholic. Then me and my mother move to her grandparent’s home and I grew up their till I was 19. I never had my own bedroom when I was living their and I hated it. Now I’m 21 years old and I realized I need to step up my social skills.

When I was a teenager I thought it wasn’t that important at all, but I wouldn’t say my teenage years were a waste because I have develop my career and now I’m independent from my parent’s money. I live in a 3rd world country so it is quite a small achievement to be financially independent when you are 18+. Most 20+ year old still rely on their parents, even the one with kids (teenage pregnancy is rampant).

Anyway, sorry for the vent, I would like to hear all of your advice as I have stated with my circumstance, especially for the ones who aren’t naturally good in their social skills.

1 comment
  1. Everyone has to start somewhere, and you just never had the right environment. Luckily you’re just 21, and have plenty of time ahead of you. So just practice whenever you can, talk to your coworkers at lunch, join a local club and try to make a couple friends. The more you do it the better you will be, and if you don’t become friends for life, you can move on and talk to someone else and be glad you got some experience out of it.

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