I can probably count the amount of times I’ve flossed in my 25 years of life on one hand and I’ve never had an issue and my breath is fine. I’m convinced that it’s a scam.

  1. Yes, of course it’s basic hygiene. This is like asking someone if they trim their nails or change their underwear.

  2. Yes. No it’s not a scam, do you realize how cheap floss is?

    >> my breath is fine

    ^[citation ^needed]

  3. Yes. It’s a basic part of health and wellness. The negative impacts of good dental hygiene will come later.

    You could also ask this on r/askadentist if you’re brave enough.

  4. Rarely, but during the short time I was flossing regularly my gums improved. My dentist said I had gingivitis and when he measured the pockets in my gums, they were mostly too deep. Flossed nightly for 6 months straight and the next time no gingivitis and the pockets were all shallower. Really hard for me to keep up the habit though.

  5. It’s not a scam. Your teeth and guns are young yet. Trust me, it just keeps getting worse from here.

  6. 2 times per day! One tip I can recommend is that if you’re having trouble remembering to floss, get those plastic pick-type one, and put them in your car. When you’re bored during your commute, it’s the perfect time to floss.

  7. I do floss and I’ve never had a dental issue. You know even if you brush your teeth get dingy in between right? I think you’re fooling yourself.

  8. i floss every night. gum health is important. increasingly research is coming out linking it to brain issues like Alzheimer’s and dementia along with links to gut health (which all makes all the sense in the world if you think about where you swallow to and where the roots go to).

    if you think it’s a scam, go floss. did your gums bleed? you have gingivitis. probably want to get on top of that.

  9. I do floss my teeth. I did not floss for my 20s, and I thought it was all good. Then, when I got in my 30s, I started getting cavities between my teeth, not all good.

    You may have super awesome teeth genetics and don’t need to floss. For most people, investing in floss will save thousands of dollars down the road.

  10. Read the book, “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” by Dr Weston Price, DDS. Or “The Dental Diet” by Dr Steven Lim, DDS.

    TLDR; your diet is far more important for dental health than brushing or flossing. If you are eating the right foods you don’t need to brush or floss. If you aren’t you very much need to brush and floss.

    There are hunter gatherer populations that has never heard of a toothbrush or floss and they have perfect teeth. A cavity would mean death for them.

  11. Yes.

    I flossed every night for about 6 months and went to the dentist. All was good and my gums weren’t deep

    I stopped flossing and the next time I went to the dentist my gums were deep and my dentist said I had early gingivitis.

    I floss every night now.

    The food that comes out… it’s not a scam

  12. I floss 4-5 times a week. Not cleaning your teeth can lead to a ton of health problems and they are SUPER expensive to fix.

  13. A scam? By what, big floss?

    I have a Waterpik that I use at night but I floss after eating usually.

    Flossing is really good for your teeth! Your dental hygienist can totally tell if you do or don’t.

    I can brush my teeth hella good and then floss and there will be bits of plaque and stuff that would still be there if not for flossing.

  14. Your brush can’t reach all the way between your teeth.

    Bacterial colonies form in there and their byproducts wear away your enamel and and can cause gum disease.

    Flossing isn’t as much about your breath as it is you going in and stomping on anthills to break apart those bacterial colonies and dislodge any food particles brushing doesn’t.

  15. I learned too late how important flossing is. You only floss the teeth that you want to keep.

    Some people have less of the bacteria that creates plaque, but we all have it.

    Brush > Floss > Mouth Wash > bi-annual cleanings.

  16. no, but i can admit it’s because i’m lazy and not because it’s a scam 🤣 of all the scams in our healthcare system, 75 cents of floss is not one of them.

  17. I use the G.U.M. picks. I have really tight teeth and I think they are easier to use and do a better job than floss. My hygienist is in love with my gums too.

  18. I floss every day. It isn’t a scam. Healthy gums means healthier teeth. Also, gum health is related to heart health.

  19. It’s not a scam. Flossing or using a Water Pik helps keep your gums healthy. If you have unhealthy gums, that can lead to all
    kinds of problems, including heart disease.

  20. I’m 53 and I’ve flossed daily my entire adult life. It makes your mouth cleaner and it’s good for your gums.

  21. About 20 years ago, the hygienist explained to me that food was getting stuck between my teeth and ROTTING there. That’s all it took to convince me to religiously floss nightly.

    Also, flossing is not just moving the floss between your teeth, it’s “bending” the floss to scrub the sides of your teeth.

    I love Cocofloss. It smells good and scrubs between your teeth well.

  22. Reddit doesn’t seem representative, I barley know anyone that flosses regularly. I floss 2 times per year at the dentist lol

  23. Get yourself a waterpick and floss daily. It’s super easy and very beneficial to your dental hygene.

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