Married men, at what age did you get married and do you you should have waited for some more time?

  1. People in bad relationships: I should have waited

    People in good relationships: No.

  2. Around my 20s.
    I think I’ve should have waited a bit, but I don’t regret it.
    I would have liked to have came out as bi, but my wife seems supportive and open minded so I might as well do it some time soon.

  3. We got married when i was 28. But our situation was difficult because we have different nationalities and had pressure because of an outdating visa. Our relationship was not so deep that we would have both decided for a marriage under a regular situation. we both just wanted to know if our relationship has a future and it was our only chance (got consulting by a specialized lawyer) to continue without a long distance relationship. before we could marry she was forced to leave the country but one week afterwards i took a plane to the oposite side of the world (12 hours) and brought her back after asking her parents for the hand of their daughter. it was not easy because of the different culture but we invested a lot nerves and tears in our future and proved eachother that we are serious about our love. after covid striked and we were forced to stay in our 2 room flat our relationship and love got pushed even more. i am very thankfull that it worked out so well and we did it even after a lot people said we shouldnt.

  4. Married 26. Still with her and love her and our kids. However, if I had to do it again, I wouldn’t have gotten married at all.

  5. Married at 27. Now 34, still married to her and we have 2 kids. I wouldn’t change anything. I never wanted to be an “old parent” and I had a pretty full life prior to even meeting my wife. We got to do a lot of great traveling and experiencing life together before getting married and before having kids, so I am happy with how things worked out.

  6. 34, did it for her, never wanted to but she’s happy we are and if she’s happy I’m happy.

  7. Married first at age 19 and later at 32. In both cases it was right. Absolutely no regrets about either.

  8. Got married at 22, I wish we had gotten married at 18. We shouldn’t have waited.

  9. I married at 32. I am ok with that time. We started dating since I was 23 and we were both pretty committed since the get go

  10. I was 27 and no it was a good age for me to get married. If anything I wish I did sooner

  11. I’m 26, been with the same girl for 5 years. We will get married one day, but we are in no rush. I’ve really been thanking myself for not getting married or having kids yet lately. When I look around at my peers who had kids or married already I feel bad for most of them, most of them seem stuck.

  12. I got married at 24 and divorced at 34. It wasn’t a terrible marriage, but we grew apart over time and it had to end. People grow and change, so trying to make a lifelong commitment in your 20’s is most likely a bad idea. If I had waited another year before getting married I would have realized we weren’t going to work out long term.

  13. 23. I wish I would have dated/experienced more before I got married, not got married later, if that makes sense.

  14. Married at 28. Now 51 with 3 adult children and a loving wife. Wasn’t ready to have kids, but soon adjusted. No ragrets about getting married!

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