how do you deal with rejection?

  1. Rejection from a job/interview I really thought I’d get? I’ll have some cocktails and be sad and then the next day I’ll start applying again.

    Rejection from a dude I made a move on at a bar? I said something like “have a nice evening” and then went back to doing whatever I was doing before that. It’s just a no, not the end of the world.

  2. Depends on how into him I am. If it’s just someone I see out and about, no big deal. Rejection is just part of the game. If it’s someone I already let myself get invested in, ngl, I’m going to spend some time letting my insecurities go crazy reminding me that I’m not good enough.

  3. Rejection from a job application?

    It’s ok to cry as long as you don’t stay down. I’d just keep getting up more times than I felt knocked back. I wouldn’t let someone else’s opinion of me to affect how I see myself. (Rejection is redirection ) and I’d remind myself that, *one day you might look back and be glad things didn’t go how you wanted them to*

    If it was a personal rejection from someone I felt close to, I’d go through a mourning process, which would take time. Ultimately though, I’d keep moving forwards and trust that whatever is meant to be, will be.

  4. If it’s from someone I love I will shut down honestly. Self isolate. If you’re talking about romantic interest you can’t get rejected if you don’t initiate anything. I just avoid rejection altogether.

  5. I cry usually and then get over it. I used to be ashamed of crying, but I’ve accepted it as my body regulating itself

  6. Allowing myself to feel a bit shitty the day of the news, trying to move on as best I can the next day. Has “worked” most of the times with job rejections/low key dating situations, maybe less so for people I really felt a lot for. For the latter, talking with friends and a good cry are great remedies

  7. Once I started to accept rejection as possible part of a process (job, love interest) I got more daring to go after what I really wanted.

    When rejected I just move on. Something or someone better is waiting for me.

  8. The only time I felt in love so far, I dealt with rejection. I was just honest with them, the same way I was honest when I said I liked them in the first place. No hard feelings. I remained friends since I liked their personality and valued their presence in my life and now we’re the best of buddies. The first week was physical hell and I could barely eat or sleep, but then I started functioning again and slowly stopped thinking about scenarios or desires. It took me months and months, even more than a year to get over them that way. But I never gave up on our friendship, even if it **sucked** when they talked about other crushes. It was the hardest interpersonal experience of my life, but also the one I value the most and that made me grow.

    I’m interested in another guy right now (the first since my rejection) and I’m kinda experiencing the same thing. I messed up our relationship out of fear and trauma and I was the asshole in the situation. I know he’s lost interest and there’s no hope for us, so I’m kinda grieving even if I wasn’t exactly rejected, I guess. I just hope one day I can tell him the truth about the way I acted since he deserves to know that he was not the problem and that I valued him a lot in my life. I wish we remained friends since I obviously love his personality and I feel good when I’m with him, but I just wish him the best and will respect his decisions. One day at a time.

  9. Usher said it best “sometimes you’ve got to let it burn”

    Depends tho on the specific situation

  10. At the end of the day if you’re in a position where you’ll be devastated if someone says no to anything, be it a date or a job or sex or to go see a movie or whatever, then that’s not a healthy headspace.

    The hard but true thing is that if you’re not in a spot where you know that you can have a happy life even if the other person, place, or thing says no then you’re not ready for that thing.

    If you don’t feel like you can get to a spot where you’ll be happy even if the person says no on your own then I recommend talking to a therapist.

  11. Not very well. But I try to remind myself that God has a greater plan for me. Easier said than done lol. But it’s better to have faith than to let the rejection feel like it’s in any indicator of your worth and value as a human being—when in reality it’s just that the thing you wanted just didn’t align.

  12. Depends on what I am getting rejected on and on how secure in myself I feel that day.

    Rejection from someone I’m hitting on, doesn’t bother me much.
    Rejection from someone I have been in relationship with is an other story.

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