I (28m) have been seeing this girl (29f) that I connected with online. It’s amazing. I’ve never connected with someone on such a deep, personal level. We share all of the same interests, political and moral ideologies, we have the same values in relationships. We’re alike in every aspect. It’s perfect. I’ve never experienced this before. The problem? It’s been a whole three weeks and I think I’m falling for her. Let me explain:

We met on Bumble. We had a few fantastic conversations that spanned a few days. She asks me out (super hot btw) and I accept but pushed it back a few days just to get to know her. There’s non-stop conversations over texts and phone calls for 3 days before I give in. We went for coffee. We spent probably 7 hours together just walking the city, talking, eventually having dinner. We legitimately never run out of things to talk about. I invited her over to my place for our second date, set for a week later. Dinner, conversation and Lord of the Rings, that’s all I expected. I get more than that almost immediately. We spend from 2pm to 5am talking, cuddling, having sex and watching the series. It was incredible. This is all along with non-stop texts and phone calls before hand. I invited her to stay with me for a couple of days this weekend. She’s spending New Years weekend at my place. Yesterday, I started to worry that maybe we’re moving too fast. Two weeks and we’re in bed together isn’t weird, but as far as I can tell, we both prefer to do things slowly. This is the most natural experience I’ve ever had, but it’s fast. We both have self esteem issues and body positivity issues, but we’re completely comfortable around each other. Now, I’m an asshole to people I don’t know. It’s just who I am. I don’t trust anyone because I’ve been hurt a lot. But I can’t do that with her. All I ever can seem to muster is kindness. It’s like she brings out the best in me. I don’t want to seem like I’m love-bombing her, but every conversation generally ends with one us telling the other how awesome they are. We both noticed how fast we were moving and had the “exclusivity” conversation. Neither of us want to put a label on it yet, but I can’t help feeling like I’m head over heels for this girl.

I guess my question is “am I overthinking it?” If it’s this natural, do I go with the flow? How long do I wait until I tell her how I feel? Do I just need to take a shower, take a nap and enjoy it? Most importantly, what the fuck is happening to me?

TLDR; I’m in probably the best relationship I’ve ever been in, it’s moving REALLY fast, it’s the most natural experience I’ve ever had, I think I’m falling in love with her, and I’m freaking out.

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