Hi everyone – my bf and I have been together 1.5 years. He’s amazing, but he made me feel uncomfortable last night when we went out for my friends bday.

After I was done taking photos for my friend, I turn around and see that he has his arm over my other friend (23/F). They weren’t sitting together in a romantic way, but it still bothered me. Like why are you putting your arm over another girl? I got upset and went to the bathroom and was super quiet after (I’m not the best at expressing my feelings). My bf could tell I was off and kept asking me what’s wrong, was being gentle/kissing me, etc. I literally couldn’t talk about my feelings because I was nervous so I said I’m tired to get him to calm down about it.

It’s been bugging me and I know I need to be honest. Do you think I’m being dramatic about the situation? I know my bf is very touchy in general; physical contact is his thing. I don’t want him to think I’m crazy or insecure, but I want to be upfront about my feelings. Should I bring it up to him?

TL;DR: my bf put his arm over my friend (23/F) and it made me uncomfortable.

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