I don’t know if I’m venting or want advice. I think I just want to know that I’m not alone in thinking this situation sucks.

This past Friday after dinner I got hit with a random pain, excruciating pain. It rivaled childbirth. I asked to go to the emergency room and my husband(DH) took me, I was there for about 14 hours they did a cat scan and said they couldn’t find anything so they admitted me. After admission I got an ultrasound and lo and behold I had a 3.7mm gallstone blocking my bike duct and the gallbladder was enflamed. So I was scheduled for emergency surgery and had to stay because unfortunately they had to go in the old fashioned way after planning to do it laparoscopically. I was in the hospital all weekend and came home Sunday night after begging them to discharge me because I missed my babies.
We have 2 kids (M14 months)(F7) and 2 dogs. We’ve been married for three years together for 6 years. Last week DH was also on vacation. It’s also relevant here that I’ve been battling with double pneumonia for 2-3 weeks that I couldn’t take the antibiotics for because DH couldn’t handle the kids when I fell asleep from the medicine they gave me.
When I got home my house was a disaster, in hospital I had coordinated with my MIL and grandmother to each take a child so he wouldn’t be overwhelmed and only had to take care of the dogs. He stayed with me after I was admitted Saturday morning till I went into surgery and then I was really out of it I know they made him leave and he came back with the baby the next night to pick me up.

Since I’ve been home I’m supposed to be in bed rest because I guess a major risk of my surgery is a hernia and leisions. Don’t know what that means again I was super duper high on pain meds when they were explaining things to me and he didn’t pay attention. I haven’t caved and taken a single oxy since I’ve been home so I wouldn’t be so sleepy I’ve been managing the pain with Tylenol and ibuprofen

I’m in pain and I’m so tired. I NEVER ask for help it’s hard for me. He fell asleep both nights at about 7:30 with the baby and left me to get our 7 year old ready for bed alone. Clean up dinner let the dogs out feed them and put them in their boxes. I just want to rest and get better and I feel so alone and helpless. My house is a mess and I’m in a crazy amount of pain. I popped a stitch picking the baby up and he didn’t care. He says he wants to me rest and heal so I can get better and everything can go back to normal but he’s not doing anything but sleeping once he gets home from work.
My little brother and his fiancée are helping me clean the house and my MIL is going to come help me with the baby during the day
But I want my husband. I don’t know I saw this going differently, thank you for letting me get this off my chest.

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