Hello everyone, Merry Christmas.

My Christmas, to say the least, flopped hard for the presents and I need advice as to how I can recover. I (27F) earlier this year moved in with my bf (33M). One night we were cooking together and I accidentally broke a very expensive kitchen gadget to which it now smokes upon use. I’m afraid to say specifically what it was due to him recognizing this post but the price of this item was $900-$1000. (It was a present gifted from his mother as well… from years prior so yeah.. pretty bad)
I mortified and apologized for the mistake and he being very understanding and sweet as he always is said it was fine and we will figure something out.
I don’t make nearly as much as he does monetarily and we never got around to replacing the item. I decided to save up to replace this item for Christmas. I bought it with another 2 items I thought he would like (small $15-$30 stuff). As Christmas was approaching I thought more and more about this gift and realized it really isn’t a gift at all… not even a Christmas gift.. but by the time I realized it.. it was too late. He opened it as well as the others and tried to act happy but confessed he wasn’t. I feel horrible.. I apologized and I’m not sure where to go from here.. I bought him a $300 present to be shipped here hopefully before new years to see if it may help make up for it.. I feel horrible about the entire thing and his gifts to me were just perfect. He’s so incredibly sweet and good to me and I hate I failed him for Christmas.

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