How do I find a room in US before arriving? I got accepted to a program in US and start my degree in september this year. I want to start looking for a place now and not leave it to the end

  1. The very first thing you should do is contact your school. They may have resources for international students that will make this much easier.

    With that said, it can be harder depending on where you plan to live. Since you don’t have a US credit history, landlords may require substantial upfront payments. This leaves you vulnerable to getting scammed, so be careful. You might want to deal with a large property management company that has some experience with international students or go through AirBNB or similar service.

  2. Use the housing resources of the school you are attending. The people you worked with for your admission are the first people you should be asking. Room and housing rentals around schools are very localized, often owned by private landlords who don’t need to use websites. Start with the school website or office for international students.

  3. Absolutely contact your school. Almost every college or university has an office specifically tasked with helping international students with questions just like this.

    I will say it is good you are starting early but given how college rentals work you may not be able to find a place until closer to the time you want to begin rent. However, you can get advice from your school administrators and they will know best what the local market is like.

  4. Going to chime into the group as well, and say reach out to the school.

    However, if it’s some type of program that doesn’t have your typical school resources, feel free to give us an idea where and maybe we can suggest local resources. Or look for a subreddit that is local to where you are going to be, and ask there.

  5. Seconding everyone who says to reach out to your school — and congratulations! I hope you love it.

  6. Contact your school. Depending on the school, you may be required or heavily encouraged to live in the dorms for your first year or two.

  7. Idk if you’re undergrad or grad. If you’re the latter, try asking around in your cohort if anyone is looking for roommates.

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