I (F) have noticed over my lifetime that often, men that I know refuse to share an equal part of child rearing, cleaning, cooking, etc. with their female partners or family members. As someone who one day wishes to have kids and a husband, one of my big concerns is not having help from my partner as we will most likely both need to be working full time in this economy.

Obviously there are men, perhaps a majority, who feel that when both partners work full time, both should contribute equally. However anecdotally I have seen the majority of the men that I know feel as though they didn’t have to, and be more than comfortable living in absolute filth, not caring for the kids, and dumping all responsibility on their wife/girlfriend despite contributing equally to finances.

As someone interested in psychology, I have always wondered why this is. I see people say “boys will be boys”, or “men are just lazy” but I don’t believe that’s it. Does it have to do with how they were raised? Societal pressure?

I’d love to hear, as men, your opinions! Please help me figure this out lol.

❤️ EDIT: I’m not trolling, accusing anyone here of being this way, or saying all men are like this! I’m asking you guys, from your experience as men, what you think contributes to this mindset, and how to address/avoid this.

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