**Sorry for the wall of text! I put a too long didnt read at the end**

I met this woman at work 8 months ago and for the first 3 months of working together we never even talked or said hi to each other but one of my friends also works here and she talked to her and saw her just as a friend so I started talking to her since she was a mutual friend.

At first I just saw her as a friend but then as we got to know each other I became very attracted to her and fell for her. We had the same taste of music, we listen to the same bands. We also have the same hobbies.

She ended up initiating conversations with me by saying “what do you do outside of work? What do you do day by day?” I told her I play guitar then she said she plays guitar too. We have so much in common

Every time she sees me at work her body language shows she is very happy to see me. She looks at me in the eyes smiles really big and says a very excited heyyy! While she waves.The other women at work don’t even really say hi since we’re so busy working. ( it’s a busy restaraunt).

We’ve had such friendly banter for 5 months and i told her alot about myself and my personal life and she also talked about herself and what she does outside of work. We talked every week.

I wasn’t even thinking of asking her out until she said this to me
One day we were talking and she came up to me and said “hey OP, have you ever had any serious relationships?” I said yes why and she said “oh just wondering. You seem like a serious relationship type of guy. You look like someone who’d want a serious relationship.” I said “yes I only want a serious relationship. I don’t like hookups I only have sex with someone if I have feelings for them. I’ve had a serious relationship before”

She said “oh wow me too. I only want a serious relationship too. I’m the same way. I don’t do hook ups.” She said “I waited 1 month to kiss my ex boyfriend” I said “I’m the same way I wait a while. She looked sad and sighed and said “well it seems like you’re on the right path…” and walked away.

I really felt like I could trust her. We talked about many personal things together. So after saying that to me I really thought she liked me. I thought she was asking me that because she saw me as a potential dating partner. All I’ve ever wanted in my life is a serious relationship. It’s so hard to find these days with hookups culture and I thought I really finally found someone

So I ended up sending her a request on instagram. She accepted! We started texting and she replied a few times. We just talked about basic what are you up to stuff. i asked her out saying if she’d want to go out some time after the holidays are over to the mall and walk around and get something to eat etc.” ” She told me she’s a college student so I said “I understand maybe you could be busy with school ”

She just said this

“You’re right I’ll be pretty busy these days with work and school haha but I’ll see if I can after”

When I read this It felt like a punch in the gut. I am also a bad over thinker but the way she put it it seems like she’s just saying no. I noticed anytime women say they’re busy they’re just saying no in a polite way. She also told me she’s afraid of confrontation so I thought that’s why she said it.

I feel like this is just her way of rejecting me and saying she’s not into me and doesn’t wanna go on a date with me.

I have been feeling sad all day because I really thought she wanted a serious relationship with me after saying what she said. I really have feelings for her

I’m going to see her tomorrow at work and I feel so embarrassed. I don’t even want to go to work tomorrow sincd i feel so embarassed. good thing is I’m gone after two weeks so I’ll never see her again

I really thought she liked me 😭 I feel like such an idiot like maybe I misread something

I don’t know where to go from here
Should I ask again later?

**Tl Dr – I asked out my crush at work that was very friendly to me. I asked her if she’d want to go out but I said maybe you could be busy with school. She said “You’re right I’ll be pretty busy these days with work and school haha but I’ll see if I can after”**


I ended up seeing her at work today and it was like nothing even happened. She did the usual heyy! She approached me and asked when my last day is and I told her it’s next week. I just kept my distance from her the whole shift. I didnt talk to her really at all and kept my ear buds in. I didnt want to make her more uncomfortable by talking to her more. I know women feel bad if they reject you and then the guy keeps talking to them so I don’t wanna be “that” guy. She wished me a merry Christmas and she left

I still don’t know where to go from here. Is it a no? Should I ask again later?

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