Especially on Reddit, India and Egypt (and sometimes Morocco) tend to be cited more often than other countries as being dangerous for women to travel in, even more so alone. However, a lot of people still express interest in then, despite the dangers, because of their history and culture. How would you personally feel if someone close to you was interested in traveling there?

  1. I’d tell them to be careful. I would also say the same thing to a guy going abroad.

  2. That is funny – my wife asked me yesterday about going to some of those exact places. I just told her that I think there are plenty of other places to visit that would be less risky to us as tourists. I am sure there are plenty of decent places and people in those locations, but being an outsider, in what I assume would be a vastly different culture, would make me more nervous.

  3. I’m a woman and have had female friends/family visit both India and Egypt, and one woman who was from Morocco. I’d be totally down to visit those countries as well. I’d accept any travel tips, but I’d be irritated if someone was trying to talk me out of it just because I’m a woman.

  4. If any of my friends plans a trip like that, I’d trust her to be smart enough to do her own research. She’s an adult, she knows the risks. I’m not her dad.

  5. They’re an adult, they can travel where they want. I have quite a few female friends who have been to India, Egypt, and Morocco.

  6. Morocco is fine. She will be cat called but no worse than places like Italy or Paris.

    Egypt would require a guide. I’m sure she might be fine but it’s not worth it. Harassment is accepted and the cops will not help you.

    I’ve never been to India so I have no reference.

  7. I’m an adult woman. I can make my own decisions and go where I want. We don’t need to be chaperoned and we’re not stupid.

  8. Well I work in travel security so being asked for advice here is somewhat of a realistic scenario for me. I would recommend doing a lot of research and being careful. But like others say I am not a father or chaperone to my female friends, I’m not going to make decisions for them or tell them what to do.

  9. I would advise them not to travel there alone, take the environment into account and act accordingly. They are adults and can make their own decisions, best of luck & have fun.

  10. It wouldn’t be my place to be their parent. If they asked for my advice or wanted help research, I’d do it. But they are an adult and can take care of themselves.

  11. Alone? I’d just tell them to be vigilant, long as you’re smart you’ll be fine. I’m going to India myself soon

  12. I would suggest they do their research and then decide.

    They are grown adults…it is their money….if they want to visit those places, it is up to them.

    I would not want to go their either.

  13. I trust the women in my life to make their own decisions.

    If it was my wife and she was going without me I’d just make sure she had a working phone and I knew where she was.

  14. Depends on the person.

    My female, single friend who is planning on visiting India next year by herself? I’ve got zero worries. She’s been going her entire life to visit family there and knows the local culture almost as well as does America. I’d be far more worried about another Covid outbreak causing travel disruptions than her personal safety.

    Another friend, who’s about 15 years younger than me and honestly kind of naive? I’d strongly suggest that she either make her first trip abroad either to someplace safer or else go with a group that includes some more experienced travelers.

  15. I have actually video called a friend while she was in Morocco.

    It’s not my place to advise women on their travel plans. If it was my SO I’d just ask when we’re leaving.

  16. Brit here. Most of those country’s reputation mentioned may harbour some truth but most are misconceptions and absolute bollocks. Both my neices are in their 20’s and have travelled solo to Egypt and Morocco and not had much or if any male harassment and yet my older neice had more lecherous comments when travelling in Barcelona and London. Go figure

  17. Like literally anywhere else, those countries have good and bad areas. Millions of people travel to them every year. As long as someone is aware of their surroundings like any other travel experience, there’s no issue.

  18. I ask her how she got out of the kitchen and where’s my sammich!!

    Seriously… wtf is this??

  19. Yeah I’d probably tell them that’s a bad idea and I don’t think they should go. Especially if they are not going with a male companion.

  20. I think if we’re deciding to travel there, we’re already generally aware of any potential dangers, and basic travel/safety advice that we’re always taught as women.

    Besides, I’ve been harassed by men in *every* country I’ve visited. What would be new with Egypt or India? The absolute worst and where I felt the most unsafe so far is in Italy, and no one tried to keep me home from Italy or warned me about the dudes there.

  21. Woman here, it’s not your job to babysit the women in your life. Sure, you can say, “I’m not sure if that’s such a good idea”, but if you were trying to dissuade me from doing something I had done adequate research on and already made up my mind about I’m not sure you’re the type of person I’d want to continue having in my life.

    I know plenty of women who have traveled to those countries by themselves and been absolutely fine.

  22. “Have fun”

    Not my place to be their parents, they’re probably smart enough to know what to do before hand and what to avoid. And if I think they’re stupid? Try and nudge them to go with someone who isn’t.

  23. If my advice is sought, then I would strongly recommend against it for a solo female tourist, but ultimately it is not my decision to make

  24. I probably say something along the lines of “I heard they harass women a lot there. How are you planning to deal with that?”

  25. If she asks I’m gonna tell her I think it’s a terrible idea but I’m not gonna chase her down to give my opinion or anything

  26. As a woman who travels the world alone, I would go to those places. I would do my best to be respectful of their culture and not draw attention to myself. You know, general travel safety stuff.

  27. A friend? I might mention the possible risks if the topic came up

    An SO? Well if we’re going on vacation then we’re probably going together so I won’t worry knowing I’m with her

    Relative? Same deal with the friend

    I think very little of these stereotypes and trust that adults make adult decisions

  28. Frankly I’d tell anyone regardless of who it is or where they are going to avoid taking international trips by themselves. Now if they have multiple people going I’d be less worried

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