I would like to pretext this this question with that I know what we did was wrong and that lying is wrong and that any consequence that may happen is a result of our actions, however I would like some advice on dealing with this situation as best as possible depsite my anxiety.

Me and my partner live in private rented accommodation that has seen better days (150 years old). We initially had a housing agent between us and the landlord who we’d never met and the agents were very hands off and visited barely once a year.

During the pandemic, I was furloughed while my partner was a key worker – therefore I was alone every day all day until the evening. This resulted in us breaking the tenancy contract and getting two (extremely well behaved) kittens who are both now about a year and a half old. Obviously I know this is wrong but at the time I needed a pet for my mental health as I was going crazy.

This wasn’t much of an issue for us to hide them back then as we had plenty of notice of any visits and could plan accordingly. Since then, the house has changed hands and we have new landlords who have fired the agent and deal with us directly over the phone.

It has become much more difficult to hide them as they are more hands on and want to do heavy work (demolishing small parts of the house, re-rendering the outside, scaffolding for roofwork) to the house starting June and they will need access to electricity and water – so I assume will be in and out all day for weeks.

We know we have to come clean to the landlords now because trying to hide them for weeks will be impossible and frankly I can’t take the stress and guilt anymore.

My plan is to invite them over for coffee as they wanted to get to know us anyway, and ask them for their plans for the house, are they doing it up to sell it as we love living here etc. And then to admit to them we have two well behaved kitties, that we apologise for breaking the contract but it was during the hardest part of the pandemic and were mentally struggling. That we regret lying to them but we’re so worried to lose the house we love and that we are happy to come to an arrangement such as an extra deposit or increased rent. We can show them how the house is in better condition than we received it, with proof. They can meet the cats and see how sweet and well they behave.

I don’t know, is this the right way to go about it? My anxiety over getting kicked out is making me feel sick.

  1. Tell them and just offer them an increased deposit if there’s an issue to cover the risk.

  2. I’d just tell them the old landlords said it was ok. I wouldn’t even mention it until they are confused by the presence of a cat. Then feign confusion yourself cos it was allowed. Unless you renewed the letting agreement with a commitment not to have a pet I don’t really see a huge problem. They inherited tenants and those tenants have pets. They weren’t to know you weren’t supposed to.

  3. It was good of your previous landlord to let you get cats, nothing to hide. Why are you letting them do renovations though, that sounds like a pita

  4. Proceed until apprehended – if they ask, say previous landlord/estate agent said it was fine. Don’t need a proof or anything

  5. Don’t offer to pay more rent! I agree with the other posters to just not mention it unless they bring it up. If they do bring it up, a larger damage deposit seems reasonable or to pay for deep cleaning like another user said upon departure.

  6. Keep quiet and say you had permission if the issue arises.

    This is the way.

  7. I wouldn’t be agreeing to let them do work on the property at your expense (aka you paying for their water and electricity). I’d take the difference from your average daily usage and tell them they’ll be paying it. If you’re going to loose access to parts of your house (such as the garden becoming unusable in summer) and for the inconvenience of major building works I’d also be arguing a rent reduction. You have a right to peaceful enjoyment of the property, if the works aren’t essential they don’t have a right to force them on you.

    For the cats. Just play dumb, if they bring it up just say you got verbal permission from the old landlord.

  8. Let’s be honest, if they’re doing work on the place, you’re getting kicked out anyway as soon as it’s finished

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