[original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/s/AZuLJL1ZjY)

Hi everyone, me again. Not sure if anybody would remember, but I posted here in March, about how I was disowned by my mother because I wasn’t able to attend a family function (for being too pregnant).
Initially, I posted here because I was in so much pain, and was very desperate to figure out how to fix the relationship. But now that we’ve reached the end of the year, I’m in such a different place. There is still no relationship, but I couldn’t be happier.
I’ve read the books recommended, I’m in therapy, and I’m at peace with how everything has happened. I’m a happy mom to a happy child.
Just wanted to say thank you to everybody who read my story / commented / reached out. It was a harsh reality for me to face (especially being newly postpartum), but it’s what I needed. You truly had such a huge impact on my life. Wishing you all a happy new year, may 2024 treat us well.

TLDR: posted asking for advice on how to fix being disowned for a minor inconvenience to a complete narcissist a few months ago, now thriving without said narcissist. Thank you!

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