i work at a restauarant, im friends with the people there and hang out with a couple at times and they are my age (20) its a fast casual place, people come and go, not terribly formal. however something im consistently made fun of is being a ‘npc’ or an ‘alien’ or a ‘robot’. The other day i did an impression of a surfer dude and two managers i have were so shocked they burst into the biggest laughter ive seen them have, with them saying ‘no offense but your usually so robotic so when you do something funny its extra funny’.

I dont think im hated or anything, and its all ribbing, and i dont blame them, i know im an easy target, but i wonder if that really is an issue, me being like this. i didnt grow up in a neighborhood with any other kids, i was a single child that preffered reading, so ive always been quiet and introverted.

SOmething i admittedly do is stare off into space sometimes when people arent at the counter, im not sure if i should stop doing that. Apparantly my resting face looks concerned/sad/upset, and early on i was asked if i was ok pretty frequently. I dont know if that puts people off of me and makes them think im creepy or imagining creepy things. I am pretty passive and not good at conversation. I have a boring life so i dont have much to say and im not smart so i dont have much insight, so its a lot of nods and reassurances, questions. People usually get along with me since i know how to get along and not rock the boat, but even aside from work i find it difficult to maintain close friendships. I want to change this and become more interesting and less, well, comparable to an ‘alien’, but i dont want to just jarringly change who i am.

Sorry for the rambling but i hope that provided context. What are some things i can do/fix?

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