How do you guys meet your BF or GF friends and find balance in doing so? How do you set boundaries?

I am a woman who has smaller tighter knit groups of friends. I’d say I have 3 to 4 ish groups of friends and each are 2 to 5 ppl. I hang out with ppl throughout the month.

My new boyfriend has a lot of friends because he hasn’t moved around like I did. He still lives in the same city he was born and raised in. I have lived in 3 different provinces and moved around for work a lot but now I’m kinda settled in my city.

I get burned out from ppl easily so I do my best to set boundaries and only have ppl I care about around me. I’m an introvert but if I’m rested I can be an extroverted introvert.

I want to meet my boyfriend’s friends but I’ve met 15 to 20 ppl so far (I forget most of their names already) and there’s still more to meet. This doesn’t include his family who I haven’t met yet.

I’m feeling weird. I guess I don’t understand how someone can have like 40+ close friends. He says he’s an introvert too but I dunno. I think he’s an extrovert.

I want to focus on his most important ppl and the rest are kinda meh for me cause I know I won’t remember them. I don’t want my boyfriend or his friends to think I’m some kind of way if I don’t remember them.

How do you guys deal with this kind of situation while dating?

In the past the guys I’ve dated were like me and had smaller friend groups. I don’t mind meeting all his ppl but I won’t remember them. That bothers me cause I like to remember details about ppl.

We’ve been dating a few months and starting to meet each other’s friends.

Thoughts? I will meet everyone at least once but if ppl are not his top friends then I’ll have to figure out how to navigate his friend groups and make sure I don’t burn out.

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