I’ve been agonizing for a long time over the small (nonexistent at times) local social circle i’ve had for the last several years since moving to this city. COVID made it worse – I’m so socially awkward sometimes it’s painful. I’ve been codependent on my romantic partner for years as well.

I don’t have any hobbies outside of working out, and have no luck making friends at the studios I’ve attended. I simply don’t know how to make small talk and get that to lead anywhere…

BUT Proud of myself because I set up a happy hour with a former (female) coworker who I was friendly with when she was with the company. I know she has anxiety too and I’m hoping to bond enough to keep a connection going…. we never really got to know each other much as people but she was always very friendly to me and said i’m the only one who tried to keep in touch with her since leaving.

I tend to blank out on things to say in 1:1 meetups, or I overshare/try to go too deep (?). In our last phone convo I know I didn’t convey the excitement that I actually felt to be meeting up with her (or even reciprocate hers)…

I’m actually thinking of jotting down questions and somewhat prepping for this like an interview. I think i’m a decent actress and can be natural lol

TLDR – i’m awkward and need advice on how to bond with my former coworker at a happy hour i initiated

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