My husband’s best friend was an online friend. They gamed together for more than a decade and *often* spent upwards of 8-16 hours a day together. Actual daily, not just a couple days a week. Literally every day for all of those years.

Since he lived all the way on the other side of the country, we never actually met him or his family in person. Canada is huge, we could never just bump into each other

This friend passed a couple years ago now from cancer. He died with my husband’s discord chat with him open. His family knows how important this friendship was. Husband was even included in his will.

I asked months ago how I could make some sort of meaningful gesture to his parents because having this person in my husband’s, and by extension, my life really changed it. I chose a medium of cross stitch because that’s what I was doing at the time.

I couldn’t actually follow that advice because nothing WE did could never be translated to older parents. I looked and thought so hard on that…

So… I want to at least send them a card, and that’s not a strong point for me. But I do want to let them know that their son passing is still always on our minds.

Is that even appropriate, given that we never even met his parents? Would that even be welcome to an older couple who never even met these online strangers?

I just don’t want to come off as too weird.

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