We have been dating for 2 months so it’s fresh. Without going into specifics, I notice that when I bring up topics around race and oppression, here are some of my white partners reactions:

1) Literally goes silent (which can be SO awkward and cringe for me)

2) Disregards what I mentioned completely

3) Shifts topics immediately

4) Gives me a bare minimum, surface level response. Example is I could text an opinion about race and he would respond “interesting” or “I’m learning”. This can also be using extremely generic terminology, almost like he’s trying to avoid saying the “wrong” thing which just translates to fluff imo

I made it clear from the start that these discussions are important to me and he said he really wants to learn and be supportive – I sent him resources so he has a place to start which he says he’s already gone over completely. He has implied and sometimes avoided difficult conversations because it makes him “sad” to speak about them.

To the interracial couples out there, am I expecting too much? Is this normal? I’m not sure if I’m being impatient or my frustration and hurt is justified. Any advice on how to navigate this?

TLDR – my white partner seemingly avoids or walks on eggshells when discussing race with me, a POC

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