Basically Title. I(20M) for a year’s time had been casually texting and making convo with this girl F(19F), on again and off again. Texting with her was quite a challenge as she often responded in single texts which for obvious reasons made me feel she wasn’t really into me and/or enthusiastic about talking to me.

Recently I decided enough is enough, i cannot bear to play this texting game anymore(now would also be a good time to mention i have very poor text game), and asked F out on a date.

On the day of the date i got her flowers, had froyo, drove her around, had dinner(yes in that order). Throughout the date i gradually physically escalated going from her shoulders, to her arms and towards the end enthusiastically reached for a hug and duh, she hugged me back.

Next morning i woke up to a text from her which basically was a picture of the flowers i gave her. Although wilted, it felt really nice for me knowing the fact that she didn’t get rid of em(she said she would have to, before going home because her conservative parents would go ballistic).

All of this happened over this last weekend and now that we’re texting again, she’s back to 1 text replies. I think i’m gonna go crazy playing this game of whether she is into me.

I understand my lack of texting experience is a major shortcoming but is there anything i can do to improve the situation for both of us to gather more clarity? Honestly that’s all i want, clarity.

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