I was speaking to a guy and taking things slow. I text him often asking how his day was and telling him goodmorning etc. Things had been going well even though i was the only one making plans due to his busy work schedule. One night he was drinking and got into a accident. He called me and i was on my way to him and he got back in the vehicle while on the phone with me and wrecked again. I had tried calling, texting, no answer. Didnt know if he was okay. Found him and brought him to the ER. Took care of him after. Well a month after that accident he returned to work and said he only wanted to be friends. He hadnt had days off, not getting much sleep and was driving to a family members house. The weather was bad and i asked him to text when he made it. He said he would. Hours go by, no responses to text or phone calls. My anxiety got the better of me because last
time he didnt answer he was hurt and couldn’t find his phone to call for help. I reached out to his family to see if he made it after waiting hours and trying to call. Well he flipped out at that and called it overbearing and controlling. I apologized. I understand his side too and i wish i hadnt reached out to his family now. We hadnt know each other but 4 months at this point. Ive spoken to others and they are on my side with it, but i dont want biased advice. So men of reddit, would you be pissed given the circumstances? He has been treating me like shit ever since despite me apologizing and explaining where my head was at.

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