i’ve been talking to this girl for about 4 months and i’m not sure where it is headed. she goes from like hardly talking to me to being all over me for like a week or two. right now she hardly even talks to me but just a couple weeks ago she was constantly saying cute things to me, finding me at school and being touchy and then we went out together and she was all over me physically like sitting on my lap, playing with my hands, resting her head on me etc. it seems like she starts acting very interested when i start to pull away from her, like before i was genuinely losing interest in her and started ignoring her and being dry and then all of a sudden she’s seeking me out at school and saying she was thinking about me all day and i’m stupid so for about a week i reciprocated and started being cute with her again and now she hardly talks to me like before, responding with literal one word texts after hours. and i get it, it’s winter break now and she has stuff to do with family and friends but i feel like if she actually liked me she’d try to talk to me more. when i text her, it’s like she hardly reads my messages anymore and just responds to get a response out. and if she liked me she’d try to hang out more right? she’s constantly out with numerous friends and it’s something her and her friends post about alot but yet she hardly ever asks me to hang out which idk maybe i’m asking too much but i want to hang out with her at least once in a while because i like her. i even bought her a relatively expensive christmas present and she didn’t even show up to receive and i’m pretty sure she didn’t get me anything because the only day left appropriate to give it to me would be today or maybe tomorrow. i don’t care about a gift it’s just the thought that she always buys gifts for her friends but kinda forgets about me. idk am i asking too much? is she just playing with me

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