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My brother in law is 32 and he just graduated college and is working as a teaching assistant for a high school. Over the weekend I saw screenshots of him flirting with a student from his school. The texts I saw were really strange and oddly sexual. The screenshots were sent to me by a friend and I guess he knows that word got out he was talking to her because he texted me trying to explain himself. He says he got “too comfortable” around some of his students and said that the chats did get sexual but only when referring to her feelings about other boys from the school.

The only problem is while the screenshots do say what he said happened they also showed A LOT more than what he told me.

From the ones I got, He said things like “being my favorite has its benefits” and he asked her “hypothetically would you consider dating an older guy?”

He said guys from her school don’t see how funny and pretty she was and said they were “missing out” on her. He said things like “your too pretty to be chasing after guys that have tons of other girls that want to date them” and said “if I was talking to you, you’d be my top priority if I liked you”

They then talk about the guy she has a crush on and he asks her “so honestly do you just want sex from him or do you really like him?” After that he asks “can I trust you” and asks her to download Snapchat. After she says she lost her Snapchat account he tells her to make a new one, to which she does. He calls her “super pretty” once again and says “it pisses me off when guys treat you like that because I know that I would never do that”

She then says she forgets to text people back a lot of times and he says “are you texting me cause you really like talking to me or is this a one time thing?” They then talk and she says she normally texts back which he responds by saying “okay so your consistent” and she says “yep”. he then asks if she’s comfortable talking to him. In other texts he asks her about how she dresses and compliments the outfits she wears.

These are the only messages I’ve seen and I know there’s probably more and I’m soon gonna ask my friends if they can send me more of the chats.

*UPDATE* they sent me more of the messages and I’m disgusted. He told her more times how pretty she was. He told her to not tell people they’re talking and that he trusts her because she’s “more mature than other girls her age at the school”. He told her he “tends to flirt a lot” and that she should just disregard it.

Im telling my sister asap about this. I’m really worried how this divorce is going to go. They share an apartment but they don’t have kids. They have pets that she’s really attached to so that worries me as well. I need her to get tf out of this situation

EDIT: just so everyone knows he has already been removed from his position. This post is referring to his relationship with the minor and my sister.

TL;DR: my sisters husband was caught trying to groom kids. I just obtained even more messages that show him grooming her and I need to know the best way for her to get tf out of her situation.

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