This is going to sound really stupid to anyone reading it, but me (17M) and my girlfriend (16F) have been really happy together for a while now, we have almost a picture perfect rom-com style love for eachother. We communicate great and everything feels amazing. our relationship isn’t perfect but its very healthy. one consistent problem we’ve had though is she loves to make jokes about anything and everything, which I love because I’m the same way, but we both sometimes make jokes that make eachother really uncomfortable because we’re not really thinking about how our joke could be perceived. and in the past week, she’s made several jokes saying herself or agreeing with other people when they say the phrase “once you go black you never go back” (neither of us are black). It makes me feel weird because I know that’s not her type because that’s what she tells me but the amount of times she’s brought this up makes me really insecure. is this something worth worrying about or am I just stupid because I’m a really bad overthinker so I never know

TLDR: My girlfriend keeps making this comment and it makes me very uncomfortable what should I do

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