I’ve been overthinking how I text others recently, and don’t know if I come across as a lot in my responses. For example, if someone that I feel close enough with texts me about something and introduces multiple topics, I reply to each thing in separate texts so that the thoughts are organized for me and them. Sometimes I’ll ask a question or two to keep the conversation going. Here’s an example conversation I had with someone:

(they were updating me on being stressed, apologizing for lack of communication and explaining that sometimes they had to withdraw and be off their phone, said they had to take the day to cook and do chores, added that they were feeling better, and introduced something about a new album that dropped that they thought was good) My response was in a few separate texts and sent at once.

Text 1: I used to do the same under pressure. Just know that you can tell me about anything. But if unplugging also helps, then that’s okay too.
Text 2: (Artist) never misses! Listened to the album twice so far and my tops rn are 1,2,3. 1 is already on the playlist and I’m very picky with that lol. What are your favs on this one?
Text 3: Still can’t believe you got through that without antibiotics, major props. And yes ofc, take all the time you need! Anything interesting on the menu?


Is this an appropriate way to interact?


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