Edit: Lots of comments about me being the man however I was the one who said this to my guy. He just hits the right spot every time.

  1. I think she called you a perfect dick !!! You interpreted it as something different..

  2. I’m very average (at best), but my girlfriend treats it and acts like it’s the best dick she’s ever had. I know it’s probably not true, but I love her for the effort.

    If your SO doesn’t make you feel good about yourself, you should find someone who will…

  3. My fiance has said that to me before. But because I’m me and I can’t let myself thing I have any redeeming qualities. I end up thinking she is just saying that because it’s the dick that’s there.

    Like you know how insults stick longer than compliments. And I’ve gotten one to many insults about my dick. But I’m working on it. Seeing myself in a more positive light.

  4. I had a partner do that once. First time we got intimate. She was on top and slowly came down and slid it in. It’s hard to explain the face she made. Not so much surprise but just a sort of satisfied expression – again hard to explain in words. Before she did anything else she just sat there for several seconds with her eyes closed – just feeling it in her – and then she opened her eyes and she said in a happy tone, “You fit me perfectly.” Now, I don’t know if this is something she told every partner cause she knows its a confidence boost and she got positive reactions out of previous partners…….but regardless of if it was true or not, it was nice to hear.

  5. I mean, I’m statistically average in every dimension so sure. But it kinda just sounds like a throw-away compliment.

  6. Usually when people compliment my penis, I give the “Thanks, I grew it myself” response (I see I’m not the only one who does that).

    I’m well aware of where I sit on the bell-curve of sizes, so I wouldn’t have any issues with it.

  7. I love hearing it. I’m sure it may be a lie but since I don’t get much compliments, I’ll take it

  8. “Thanks, I’m glad you feel that way.”

    This was literally my response to the two women I was with when they said that.

  9. It is definitely what you do with it that counts. Also TBH a load of girls I know have said they’ve been with Lvl100 Epic guys before and it just hurt 🤷‍♂️

    I also genuinely don’t care as long as they’re happy.

  10. I’m definitely not the biggest she’s had but if she says that, then at least I’m probably not the smallest she’s had either

  11. It would mean nothing. For most women the g-spot isn’t that deep. No deeper than the length of your index finger.

  12. My wife said its the wrong size. Hurt my feelings tbh. She refuses to say “big”. And I understand why, as a person with NPD, I would probably be very annoying. Its completely average- she is just small. So yeah.

  13. I’d take it as the truth. Believe it or not but some women don’t want a man with a large penis. For a multitude of reasons. This topic has been exhausted.

  14. I’d probably be skeptical internally but be thankful she said it. I have had a GF say “I wish you were bigger.”

  15. Not a man, but felt the need to chime in for any of the ‘perfect size’ men out there reading. She is not saying you have a small penis. She is saying your penis falls within the goldilocks zone. This is the zone you want to be in. This is the best zone for her enjoyment, and frankly for yours too.

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