Ah so I was traveling and met a great girl. We spent a week together hanging out and then I went to another city to catch my international flight back home. A couple of days before I left her country she took a train to visit me and things were going well, we were laughing a lot and although she seldom drinks, she wanted me to buy more alcohol. So I went to the convenience store and bought some a few bottles of Soju to bring back to the hotel room. She quickly drank a bottle which surprised me since she claimed to hardly ever drink. It was too late for her to take a train back to her city anyway so I already knew she’s spend the night with me. While we were both laying down in bed she said I wasn’t drunk enough and said I should drink more. I did drink a bit more but I wasn’t as drunk as her, for sure.

Was she implying something by this? I only ended up kissing her a little bit but I didn’t continue… Don’t get me wrong, I did want to continue but I had a lot going through my head at the time.

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