Random thought but I wanted to see if you guys across the pond recognised the term + knew its meaning.

  1. It’s 2023. We’ve probably used that term for 15 different things by now. You’re going to need to be more specific.

  2. If I didn’t watch the Graham Norton Show, I probably wouldn’t. In the US, we use the term Exhibitionism instead of dogging.

  3. It’s not commonly used and can mean different things, but when it is used most of us can figure out the meaning through context.

  4. It has a few meanings. I know which one you’re likely hinting at though. Never used the term personally.

  5. For me, it’s similar to roasting or insulting someone. Often a little bit more malicious and serious than just roasting.

  6. We use the term as slacking off. For example somebody who is dogging it during a group workout is not putting in effort, skipping steps, etc

  7. I know it from watching a ton of English TV but most people wouldn’t know what it means and its not how it’s used here.

  8. I just watched an episode of bluey which used dogging as another word for being a tattle tell

  9. People going at it in public, correct? I only know because I’ve heard the term been used by British people

  10. “Dogging out” over here means like slagging off someone or mistreating them. “Mad-dogging” means to stare someone down menacingly.

  11. Dogging means, like ragging on someone, aka taking the piss out of them.

    Dogging can also mean snitching on someone, tattling, or raw banging.

  12. Had a thread about this awhile ago: mostly no, though we have a lot of expressions that use “dogging” as part of them and are not at all the same thing.

    Some do know, but from British media not local use.

  13. i don’t know if it has the same meaning g but i used it all the time. “i was really dogging him” or “they were dogging me” means like talking shit to someone. like a competitive smack talk kind of thing. or like getting beaten in a competition. “i played basketball with John and he dogged me”

  14. It is not a common phrase here, but when used it is typically in reference to pestering or annoying someone. In the UK it apparently is something about public sex.

  15. I do, and I’m from Michigan. Spend way too much time talking on the forums of a particular British swinger site

  16. If my mom were still alive, she’d be aware of at least 5 of the 500 different definitions of “dogging” that exist in English.

    How many does your mom know?

  17. I know it from internet articles about people getting arrested for it in the UK. People in the US mostly wouldn’t immediately assume you were talking about random gay sex in the woods though.

  18. First I ever heard of it in the British context in which it means “engaging in public sex, typically while others are watching”, was when I read [*Foxglove Summer*](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20499240-foxglove-summer), book #5 in the *Rivers Of London* urban fantasy/police procedural series by Ben Aaronovitch, during the pandemic:

    >Dominic figured that if it wasn’t fear of prosecution it might be sexual shame. And since Bircher Common, just up the lane from where the phones were found, was the local dogging site, he concentrated his initial efforts on cars sighted accessing the common late that night. Fortunately, some of the locals, fed up with having their beauty sleep disrupted by the nocturnal revelries, had taken to noting down number plates.


    >It took us another couple of hours to winkle out the names of the participants he’d recognised, and descriptions of others – ‘fabulous blonde’, ‘short hairy guy’ and ‘let’s just say he was lucky we were all doing it in the dark.’ Plus makes and models of their cars. This was all going to generate a ton of actions that would be dumped on a bevy of constables who would set forth to TIE every single one. I suspected the dogging scene in North Herefordshire was about to suffer a serious blow. People would just have to go back to having sex indoors for a change.

    It sounded pretty uncomfortable to me, LOL! In any case, I’ve never heard it used in America in that context.

  19. Yes but only because of British television specifically The Hound of the Baskervilles episode of Sherlock where John thinks he’s getting Morse code from a blinking light from afar but it turns out it’s a blinking car light from a dogging site.

  20. To my understanding, it means public sex in the UK/European nations. Usually, with multiple partners in the assumed position. Don’t ask me how I know that.

  21. I know it as a shortened version of “mad dogging” which is like staring someone down negatively

    A secondary meaning to me would be like “I just dogged your mom”

  22. I’ve used “dogging on people” for criticizing others, but I’ve never heard of the other meaning until today.

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