We met on the internet and only met 2 times irl. He’s busy at work and lives in another town so on and so on, he keeps setting plans for a meeting but as soon as the meeting gets closer he finds excuses to cancel it. He did the same shit again today, I saw it coming cause this wasn’t the first time, and i told him to cut the shit down and that i know he’s lying and coming up with excuses. At first he was trying to defend himself saying he has to go visit his relatives bla bla, but eventually he admitted he doesn’t want to meet cause it’s too difficult for him. He said after each of our previous meetings he felt really bad cause he thought he acted terrible and they were disastrous, he overthinks a lot. Even though during the meetings he seemed to be happy to spend time with me. The second meeting didn’t go so well cause he was talking a lot and it seemed like he wasn’t even listening to me, also he mentioned his ex several times which I didn’t like at all. And after that meeting, when he messaged me saying “thank you, I was happy to see you”, I replied saying I didn’t like the meeting and talked a lot of shit to him about him not listening to me during the meeting and bringing up his ex. He said he was intimidated by me, that’s why he was talking all the time. I said that I don’t believe him and that he’s just a terribly self-absorbed person. After this he bottled up and our communication was terrible, eventually we started talking again. Now, thinking about that reaction of him, also thinking about the fact he almost never goes out, has only one friend and is generally quite socially awkward, I can understand that he is anxious about meeting me. But tbh I still can’t believe that it can be that terrible for anyone, so I still think he might be lying to me for whatever reasons. So my questions are: 1) is it even possible for people to be that much socially anxious? 2) if so, what should I do?

TL; DR: guy i’m talking to keeps cancelling meetings which he himself sets up, finally he admits he does that cause he’s anxious. Is that even possible or is he lying?

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