I (20f) am apart of a trio with two other girls. They are also my coworkers, that is how we met. Let’s call them friend 1 (21f) and friend 2 (20f). Friend 1 isn’t as close to me as friend 2 but we don’t have any bad blood. Yesterday friend 1 specifically looks at friend 2 and asks her if she wants to go to a concert with her. For the next 10 minutes she proceeds to only talk to friend 2 about the event, recommending her songs from the band.. this that and the third . I don’t say anything because..? It’s kinda odd for her to only speak to friend 2 and not to both of us since we’re a trio? I don’t know what to do in the moment, i don’t wanna seem like I’m trying to invite myself if she obviously didn’t ask me. So I remain silent during that entire interaction. I’m giving friend 2 the benefit of doubt in this situation because social cues tend to go over her head.

But like.. aren’t friend 1s actions.. rude?

I think maybe.. she is trying to hint to me that she doesn’t like me? But idk 🤷🏽‍♀️

Over the last few months that we have been friends i get the impression that friend 1 doesn’t like me. But it’s hard to tell.. because It’s never anything that she says (until recently), it’s more so in her body language. I’ve noticed that sometimes she will ONLY look at and face friend 2 when she’s speaking to the both of us. Its very upsetting and makes me feel self-conscious. But at work she laughs and jokes around with me like normal

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