Hi, my boyfriend [32M] and I [27F] have been dating for a few months. Everything has been really great and we have really strong feelings for each other. In my opinion, we have a great time together, love to laugh, have a great s*x life, we both have full time jobs, hobbies, & live 30 minutes (sometimes an hour w traffic) away from each other. We see each other about 4-5 times a week and typically have s*x 3-5 times a Week.

Recently, we got into an argument because he tried to initiate s*x but I politely declined. He then started pouting, which gave me the biggest ick. I just kind of shrugged it off and continued to cuddle with him.

The next morning he seemed in a bad mood but I was tired and didn’t ask about it. He texted me later that he’s in a bad mood so I asked what was wrong. He said he’s in a bad mood because he didn’t sleep at all and he was bummed we weren’t more intimate. I just brushed off this text because I thought it was caddy and moved on.

The following day, I just didn’t want to see him. I was so tired and stressed and I felt an immense amount of guilt and pressure to have sex with him so I last minute cancelled our plans. This is where I’m part of the problem as well, because it was mean to bail on him. He gave me attitude which led to a big fight over the phone. I said he was acting like a baby which led to him raising his voice at me saying he’s going to stop “wanting me” and will “watch p*rn & jerk off instead.” It was shocking to see him like this as he’s usually a mellow guy….what do you all think? Should I forgive and move past this? Or end things between us? Red flag?

We haven’t texted/ talked once and it’s been nearly two days.

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