Men who used to bite nails, how did you overcome the habit?

  1. I gave myself permission to only chew the pinky nails and eventually I just stopped all together

  2. I had tried several things; nail polish, nail polish designed to taste like crap, cutting them more often and more.

    Then I had a partner who loved getting cuddlesctatches on her back, but hated the uneven edges.

    Her being topless in my lap was what it took.

    25+ years of nailbiting vs one topless hottie.

    The power of boobs compelled me.

  3. Well nails are hard yo. Some are made of steel and the galvanized ones ate crazy. Also some have this weird dry glue on them. Also my teeth just could not take it anymore.

  4. I did this as a child, got braces as a teen which made it impossible, lost the habit forever this way

  5. Started eating sunflower seeds constantly, especially during moments of stress or angst. Did it for about 3 months. At first I thought I was replacing one addiction with another, then I completely stopped eating sunflower seeds.

  6. I used to do it only when a nail got broken or damaged in some way. I found out how to trim them using my pocket knife it make the job cleaner and faster so I just kinda forgot about my nail biting habit in favor of using my knife. The tip of the blade works well to clean the crud under my nails too so its double purpose

  7. I just kinda told myself to stop one day because my nails hurt all of the time

  8. I bought a proper manicuring set and watched youtube videos. After I started to get compliments from women and I am quite sure that it helped me in the dating scene. To this day I have no desire to bite my nails.

  9. Having a nail clip nearby and keep my mind occupied rather than obsessive Overthinking.

  10. I did it one finger at a time. I stopped biting my thumb, then pinky, then ring, index, and middle. I keep them very short and trim often but I was able to slowly work toward not biting.

  11. I bought a little kit that had clippers and files etc. I bought strengthening liquid and instead of biting them when I was stressed, I would clean and maintain them. I did that for a while and then it kind of went away and I only clip my nails

  12. Clip them short and put clear mail polish on them, the nail polish tastes disgusting and will deter you from chewing your nails

  13. I don’t. I really don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Just moisturize and you won’t have the cracking in the cuticles.

  14. I grew up I guess.

    When I was 14 and nearing secondary school, I didn’t want to go in with ugly nails. Also I challenged myself to grow out one of my nails (i know, gross) and I was excited that I could do it. Never did nail biting since then

  15. Progressed passed my stressful early professional job into a less stressful more stable role. I just stopped or decided to and it was way easy.

  16. Don‘t know what exactly. But one day i looked at my fingers and was honestly disgusted by myself. That day i stopped

  17. I learned to file my nails every day.

    I tried several times to quit biting my nails, but as soon as they grew a millimeter or so, they were so weak – after years of abuse – that they would break immediately. I wasn’t able to reach sufficient length to cut them, they would break before that. So then I would get frustrated and bite them clean.

    Filing them avoided this problem and in some month they started growing stronger.

  18. Stick your fingers up your arse at the start of your day.

    Your fingers will smell like shit and you won’t want to bite on those.

  19. This is a good one. I was nail biter until I was 30! I started carrying an emery board in my shirt pocket. Every time I caught myself trying to bite at an edge, I stopped and used the board to smooth it. Took a few weeks, but I quit biting, mostly. I still find myself occasionally biting a nail off if I let it get too long, but I dont knaw on them like I used to.

  20. Kept trying until I broke the habit. Keep your nails trimmed and it’s less of a temptation.

  21. Got a tongue piercing with acrylic balls. Play with that in my mouth and acrylic wont damage teeth as much.

  22. Still do it a bit but not til they’re bloody anymore. Sucking on mints, chewing gum helps

  23. When I was young I heard women my age talking about how gross it was on separate occasions. I went cold turkey. Wasn’t a big deal.

  24. Reading about all the diseases and bacteria 🦠 are you eating. And that’s how I quit haha

  25. I still let myself do it but I wait for the nail to be at normal cutting length. Turns out I like occasional biting a longer nail than constantly chewing on a short nail looking for bits to bite off.

  26. Apply need oil as a hand moisturizer and every time you have the tendency to bite your nail you’ll give up coz of the bitter taste that’ll catch you off guard.

  27. I got divorced, and because I had to look my best to start dating again, realised although the rest of me looks hot af, my nails looked fucking horrible. I also realised most women, if not all, don’t like it. I literally just stopped and haven’t bitten my nails since. It is so much easier to open cans and pick up coins/credit cards/small things.

  28. Got my ADHD diagnosis, once I got medicated, I eventually just stopped.

    In the past I would bite until my fingers bled, until I would shake from pain as the hot shower-water hit my dried wounds in the morning. It would not be unusual to see me with 2-4 band aids on my fingers.

  29. I bought a pack of nail files, every time i got nervous i would use them, sometimes i would bite my nail if i saw them uneven or with a sharp edge, with a nail file i can fix that easily

  30. I chewed gum instead. And then I realized I’m spending money on a habit I didn’t like that was also “gross” so I just went back to nail biting.

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