Basically what it says. I’m about half a year out of a wonderful years long relationship that ended in a sad way (lives went in different directions, despite our heartbreak this was the outcome, we are still friends). While I’ve had some struggles getting to this point (we firmly believed we would marry and have kids), I’ve been in regular therapy for years and I believe I am in a healthy enough place to think about dating again. I’ve been working on myself. I have hobbies, I volunteer, I work in politics (I know, I know), I bake and cook. I want to try to find a way to love again.

But…. how?

I find dating apps to be… pointless, I guess? I also don’t like hook ups in general, never have even when I was young and now that I’m 40, it’s definitely not my thing. I want to build a relationship and see where it goes, and it feels like the modern dating life is against me. I’m not from a big place, my entire province/state is under a million people.

And I’m not even really sure that I’m fully ready to move on from my ex, but if I just continue to wallow in remorse and self-pity, I’ll never meet anyone.

Any advice at all would be appreciated.

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