TL;DR: nothing has happend yet between her ex and I but I think the feeling is mutual and i don’t know when or how to respectfully tell her

Background on how I got myself into this situation:

Last year I was started dating a guy named Kyle who lived on my floor. His neighbor Mark was my current Roomate’s, Olga, now ex bf. The people who liked to go out who lived on my floor formed a larger friend group that would go out together and was split into two, I was in one half with Kyle and Mark and Olga were in the other half. Olga and I were more so acquaintances than friends last year but Mark and I were friends and would occasionally grab lunch together etc.

I didnt really maintain contact with Mark and Olga during summer and when the school year started I didnt reach out to Mark. Mark and Olga broke up the first week of school and Kyle broke up with me 3 weeks later. I ran into Mark at the dining hall a few days after my breakup and we caught up and started hanging out a lot. Mark also started seeing someone around this time (he broke up with this person right before the semester ended though). As the semester progressed Mark and I got closer and we eventually reached a point where we were best friends. I also got pretty close with Olga and she was aware that Mark and I were very close and didnt have a problem with it. Everything between Mark and I was strictly platonic during the whole semester. Mark and I have been texting and calling during break and at some point I realized I had caught feelings for him. Unless I am in the deepest friend zone that mankind has witnessed then I think he feels the same way but neither of us has explicitly confessed yet. I dont know how or when to tell my roomate. I kind of want to wait until I can get a room change request approved and let her know then so she can decide if she is comfortable with me remaining as her roomate, but this would mean I wouldn’t be able to tell her until third week of school. I am aware this really isn’t an ideal situation and I want to go about this as respectfully as I can.

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