Hey guys, I’d like to elaborate on something that I have thought about a lot can cannot comprehend on an emotional level.

My (M23) best friend (F23) and me have been friends for a year and our friendship grew very profound quickly. It was lucky that we met and I felt that I have never had such a close friend before. We rejoiced together and helped whenever we needed each other. I really really appreciate her and care about her a lot.

However, since a few weeks she is not as talkative to me via messanger than she used to be. It hurts me because we would text constantly, giving me a sense of appreciation, companionship and worth. I asked her why she is less talkative and she said she was busy with her new internship or other things. She also apologized and said we wants to pay more attention. I understood all this, and still, I feel neglected. It’s not only about that she takes much more time to respond; sometimes she doesn’t respond at all or skips a few messages.
I tried to let her know my feelings multiple times through non-violent communication (i.e. stating what I observe, expressing my feeling, expressing my need and asking open end question/ requesting politely). However, it just keeps happening.

The thing is, I am not only asking myself how to handle this, but also, why I feel so attached to her, even though I have no romantic interest whatsoever. It feels like her not responding is hitting a nerve and I cannot deal with it, almost to the point that I start overthinking the entire relationship.

Is this normal?
What can I do about the situation?

Thank you and merry Christmas

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