any tips on dating between different races. I just feel like our cultures are so much different and me as an Asian woman literally just wanna give up on this dating game.

  1. Race doesnt exist. Look for human qualities. Lots of white men will fetishize you. Culture is not that important of a factor in a strong relationship, except from family ostracizing you in some cases.

  2. well be thankful u were born a girl, and idk why would dating another race be very different? I’ve dated only non Asians and they’re just people lol

  3. Feel you on this (I’m mixed Japanese but am white as hell). Don’t identify with white chicks since I grew up in an immigrant family; but Asian women think I’m just a weeaboo or have yellow fever. 🙁

  4. Find a group of educated mature people with similar interests and violá! Many potential men will be at your fingertips of all races

  5. What are some of the conflicts you are seeing in dating Americans?

    Sometimes it comes down to cultural differences and expectations and sometimes it’s really just a bad match up because of personalities.

    If you both are good communicators and are willing to compromise then cultural differences are much easier to overcome.

  6. I’m American and married a Korean man after dating for one month because he was generous and romantic, all that matters is deep conversations and if you make each other laugh. But everytime we talk and share I feel really close and connected to him. When we talk I even get horny so I recommend communicating!

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