First a little about me, I’m turning 20 soon and I’ve never been in a long-term, serious relationship and I can’t say I’ve ever been in love. I’ve had lots of admirers in high school and quite a few in university (so far) but most of them haven’t been genuine and pretty much downright creepy. I perceive myself to be good looking and a lot of people in my life praise me for my looks. I used to be obsessed with finding a decent boyfriend but nowadays I haven’t been actively seeking a relationship as I keep myself pretty busy with university and my part time job. Every single guy I’ve been interested in since becoming an adult seemed to only want a casual relationship while I’m looking for something long term, which is why I cut them off. Seeing my generation of men act the way they do makes me feel pretty hopeless about finding a life partner in the future and I don’t know what to do to meet someone special that actually wants to get to know me.

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