If the world is ending in seven months what are you doing ?

  1. Depends on how certain that doom is, what it is, and who is aware of it.

    The main thing would be spending time with my loved ones and enjoying whatever time we still have together. The rest would depend on context.

  2. The world ends, but consciousness (souls) aren’t ending.

    I’d probably just keep living until the end of the world.

  3. Not anything different than what I’m doing right now. Except I’d can actually plan and prepare for the ending that’s coming

  4. Spending my time time with my kids/grandkid and getting my fella naked as often as humanely possible. Separately, obviously.

  5. Pulling put my retirement money, quitting my job, visiting national parks with friends and family.

  6. I’m not dying in that BS.

    Shit to survive. Weapons. Children.

    Everything preceding that not only would I croak it.. but so would my kids

    It’s an awful choice

  7. Living my best life in a new city doing mostly what I do now. Painting, going on mini adventures and hanging/talking to the people I enjoy and love the most 🥰 that’s the plan anyway

  8. In some words of Jimmy Buffet, I have a certain place I retreat to in my mind like in Tin Cup Challice

    I Want to go back down and lie beside the sea there,
    I Wanna go back down and and get high by the sea there,
    I wanna go back down and die beside the sea there
    With a tin cup for a chalice, fill it up with good red wine

  9. Withdrawing all my money and traveling the world! Going to multiple countries on every single continent! Going to eat, explore and drink my way to the end of the world.

  10. Quitting my job and traveling as much as my savings will allow. Eating good food, spiraling about imminent death, and seeing the wonders of the world.

  11. Take out all the credit cards and loans that I can and travel with my family, and do shrooms with my husband

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