We’ve been together for just over 2 years, moved in together nearly a year ago. In our first year we would have sex usually twice a week, besically every time we saw each other. Then that became every second or third time. It was new and exciting, even though the sex was fairly generic.

After we moved in together it was about once a month which we both acknowledged wasn’t as much as we’d like but we figured we were both busy with work, plus we were in a new phase of the relationship. But then it stopped altogether. It’s been about 5 months since we’ve had sex. I’ve tried to initiate it many times and we’ve also talked about why it isn’t happening but basically he doesn’t feel the spark when we make out any more to go to the next level.

I’m worried about what this says about the state of our otherwise wonderful relationship. There is also an added time pressure as I would like us to have a baby (apart from the sex issue, we are a great team and have a loving relationship, and both of us would like to have kids). I’m 34 so I worry about spending much more time waiting for something to happen.

This is causing both of us a lot of anxiety because we don’t have a plan to tackle the problem. What would you suggest?

\*\*TL;DR;\*\* : Boyfriend and I used to have a healthy sex life but haven’t had sex in 5 months. This is stopping use from having a baby. What should we do?

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