Crush has gf

I’m 25F & he’s a 30M.

So i have this new coworker that started a few months ago & i spent a lot of time training him forcing us to spend one on one time together. From the jump, he’s been super nice with me. Everyone got a good vibe from him & i was so relieved the new guy was gunna be cool to be around. He was pretty open about his personal life, relationship, etc. so everyone knows he has a gf he’s been with for 3yrs who he currently lives with. We would banter all day everyday like any normal friend/coworker relationship, until our exchanges over text started to change tone. About a month in to us meeting, he would send texts just checking in throughout the day or to follow up on some goofy joke we made earlier in the day. Sometimes it kinda feels like he looks for any excuse to text me. There’s been many other things that have made it clear he likes me & many things i KNOW any gf would not be happy with. As time has gone on, he’s made little comments expressing his gf being “mean” to him & other comments about how they’re going through a rough patch. I explained this situation to my best friend & she obviously agreed that it would be wildly inappropriate for me to make a move. She asked me whether or not im attracted to him but i feel like it’s disrespectful to even answer the question. But it’s also not fair that he’s making it my job to prevent him from crossing a boundary when he’s the one in a serious relationship. As ive gotten to know him, he actually seems to be a really cool guy. He’s super smart, emotionally intelligent, kind, respectful, & very attractive. I’ve made it a point to not initiate almost any conversation or texts cause that’s the only thing i can control. It’s not my fault he started liking me but it is up to me how i move forward. As of right now, i like him about 50% obviously cause of him having a gf but what do i do? Do i confront him about this? Do i continue doing what we’re doing with the huge elephant in the room??

TlDR: i got a new coworker a few months ago that has been blatantly flirting with me while he’s currently in a 3yr relationship. I’ve started developing feelings for him too. What do i do?

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