I’ve been in my currently relationship for five years (24f + 25m) and it’s been great. We communicate well, we have good times and work minimum wage currently but it’s enough to get by while we figure out what we want in life. But I find his sex drive or almost a lack of one frustrating. We have sex maybe one or twice a month, more if he goes out to drink with friends at all. I’d rather have sex once every day or two. I’ve tried initiating sex or asking him just to perform acts on me but he just says he’s not super into sex and isn’t up to it. I own sex toys but he says he just feels weird if I use them while he’s also in bed and I barely get alone time in our apartment. I feel embarrassed saying I’m going to masterbate because he’ll just say we could have sex later if I wait for him to come to bed then never is up to it. I feel like I should just leave him, but I also feel guilty like that’s a super selfish reason to end something good.

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