Is it normal to be married and have very little physical touch? We don’t ever hold hands, cuddle on the couch, cuddle in bed. Very rarely hug each other. We do have sex once or twice a week. If we haven’t been drinking it’s to the point. If we have been drinking we are all over each other. I’m 42 she’s 41. Two amazing kids and have been married for just shy of 16 years. We do fight often. Never about money mostly stupid things. She has also threatened me with divorce a lot especially when the fight gets really bad. When we dated we always held hands and cuddled. As soon as we got married it all stopped. It’s always bothered me but I guess you kind of get use to it. Sometimes it really gets to me and I just want a hug and feel loved. I feel as if I’m married to a roommate that I sleep with and do life events with. I saw a therapist a couples of times. She had no interest in going with me and that caused a huge fight for several days. Anyway, therapist asked me why I haven’t walked away from this marriage. I just don’t feel like any of this is normal.

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