The link to my original post is here

I bought him a signed Steelers football he got me a photo book with pictures from his solo vacation.

A couple people have been asking for an update so I thought I’d just make a quick post. We broke up!

My birthday party was on the 23rd and he told me he’d be working the entire day. When I called him to check in he said he got the day off and was going to spend it watching football with his friends I reminded him about my party and he said he hates going out and already promised his friend he’d watch football i must’ve said “but it’s my birthday” in confusion like 10 times before he said it’s not your birthday it’s just your birthday party and I’m not coming. I told him that was okay cause I was over it.

I asked him how Christmas was going to work and he told me he would stop by. He reminded me that he didn’t get me anything because I didn’t want his photo album and he refuses to buy my jewelry. He then told me how much it hurt his feelings that I didnt want his photo book and said “I’ve never met someone so inconsiderate” this is when we sorta started to argue

I told him if the photo book came with something more heartfelt then I’d appreciate it more but I don’t deserve the same gift being given to his co worker and his parents “I’m giving this gift to everyone that I love” yes I understand that but you could’ve added a handwritten card or notes literally anything also yes I said I liked jewlery but if you saw literally anything that reminded you of me I would’ve loved it I just want to know you care or thought about me

He said “for my ex’s birthday I played her a song on the piano I don’t understand why you can’t be that type of girl” I asked him how he would know if he’s never done that for me. I didn’t even know he could play the piano. My ex in high school played me the piano and I thought it was the sweetest thing. If he played it for me I would’ve loved it I’m not sure why he decided to bring up ex’s.

He told me I was just trying to make him feel guilty which he will never do. (His words not mine) So we broke it off. After I broke it off he said it’s probably for the best cause he’s looking for someone he can buy a house and combine his money with I reminded him that I’m the only one with savings and also make more than him. I asked for the golfing set back and told him he could keep all the other gifts he asked why and is now ignoring me when I text asking for a time to meet up and get it. he said it was stupid that I wanted it back.

I do feel a bit guilty when I see videos of people receiving horrible gifts and pretending to love it so I don’t know how to feel I definitely could’ve sucked it up but I guess it was time for us to go our separate ways.

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