Hello all!

For anyone who has been single on NYE and wanted to make a concerted effort to meet people, what has your NYE experience been like? Curious if NYE is as conducive to meeting new people as it seems like it might be.

(I may or may not be experiencing some pre-FOMO about a NYE brewery event I wanted to go (*with a friend) but most likely won’t be able to go to because of a family trip, so am selfishly trying to gauge just how much FOMO I should be feeling 😅 but really am just interested in hearing what your experiences have been like as a single person doing not-at-home things on NYE. Have you met new and interesting people? Has it been the same as any other night of the year? Has it been insufferably loud/crowded? I wanna hear it all!)

Edit to add: not really looking for suggestions for plans, as my plans are unfortunately pretty concrete atm, but just interested to hear about your experiences!

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