Isn’t that the whole point of guns? Being the great equalizer. But for some reason you never see or hear about women open or concealed carrying in America

  1. You do hear about some women carrying guns. I’m just not one of them. Don’t feel a need and I don’t think I’m even stable enough to be having firearms.

  2. Where do you want to hear about it? The vast majority of people who carry concealed weapons do it as part of their normal lives and don’t make it their whole personality or even talk about it that often apart from within hobbyist circles. As soon as I got into guns in general, suddenly a dozen people I’d known my whole life were like “oh yeah I have guns and carry one every day”, they had never mentioned it before. I guess it’s a touchy subject in much of the US so the people who do carry guns don’t really advertise it.

  3. Guns are heavy, bulky, expensive, difficult to clean/maintain, and difficult to master. In some states, you have to go through a lengthy process to get a license to carry, which deters many.

    It’s easier for many women to just carry pepper spray.

    I know plenty of women who are big into guns and have their CCW permit, but seldom do they carry because of the aforementioned reasons. Most of them will only keep guns in their car, and not wear one on their body.

    Edit:: I really want to emphasize the “difficult to master” point. Most anti-gun people believe you can just buy a gun and hit whatever you are aiming at with minimal effort. This is never the case. It is very difficult to draw your gun, take aim, and hit your target without hours and hours of practice, and spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars on practice ammo.

  4. Bold of you to assume they don’t. I know quite a few that do that don’t fit the stereotype people assume a gun owner to be. You never know who’s carrying in the US, just because they don’t have a bumper sticker or vote a certain way doesn’t mean people aren’t carrying. /r/liberalgunowners or /r/SocialistRA might open your eyes.

  5. Same reason we don’t go around bragging about the pepper spray or other defense weapons we might have on us. Not a great idea to let everyone and anyone know about it. Say someone is stalking you or someone in your life is trying to hurt you, if they know you have gun on you+they know where it is, its going to be the first thing an attacker focuses on getting rid of

    Also, some of us just don’t like guns. I feel less safe with them around ever since I was assaulted with one

  6. I don’t carry one because they’re heavy and by the time I pulled it out of my purse or car and loaded it (cuz in my state you have to store the ammo separately with kids around) I’d be stabbed five times already. Pepper spray is easier and fits on a keychain.

  7. Number one rule of having a concealed carry is you don’t talk about it. You don’t want people to know. Or at least, that was what was ingrained into me by my parents. I know many many women who carry often and I know many that don’t feel the need.

    Besides, pepper spray or a taser is easier to carry as you can just attach it to a key chain. I, a 20 something woman, carry those more often than I do a concealed gun.

  8. I don’t carry a gun because I have no reason to. The only women I know who do are the ones with restraining orders in their exes. It probably varies greatly by where you are in the country

  9. The entire idea of concealed carry is *anyone can be doing it.* Why would a woman who is concealed carrying advertise it?

    But yeah, it’s not *uncommon* for women to carry a small pistol, and when my wife and I lived in a….rougher…area of town we took lessons and had a pistol just in case of home intruders. When our son was born though, we got rid of the gun and moved to the suburbs.

  10. If I remember correctly gun ownership among women and minorities is actually increasing at a faster rate than ever

  11. You don’t hear or see anything about it because it’s a bad idea to display a weapon. If by some horrible chance you find yourself in an area some psycho has decided to cause havoc in, you will be target number 1. You don’t talk about it either for the same reason.

    If a woman carries, it’s usually in a purse, and very few are going to advertise that fact.

  12. You’ve literally just described concealed carry. The entire point is so you don’t actually know.

  13. I don’t feel the need to carry a gun.

    If I felt unsafe enough to carry a weapon, I wouldn’t tell anyone or act aggressively. Both of those would make me less safe.

    Oh and your algorithm is feeding you more of what you’re already watching. Maybe try videos of panda bear cubs or ballet to counter the toxic masculinity you’re consuming.

  14. They make me nervous. I’m having breakfast with friends and she’s like oh scoot into the booth and oh yeah see my handgun. I never sat next to her again. Who the hell wants to sit next to a cranky old woman with a gun in her purse. I too am older, but nope outa that.

  15. People living in homes with guns [are far more likely to be fatally shot]( than people who live in homes without guns.

    There are some people with specific circumstances (a violent and angry ex, a vicious dog next door, etc.) who have good reason to think they’ll be the exception to those stats. Maybe women are less susceptible to the propaganda aimed at convincing people they need a gun?

    ETA: Downvote away, gun lovers. The fact remains that if your firearm is ever used on a person, it is far more likely to be on a member of your household – by homicide, accidental shooting, or suicide – than a bad guy attacking you.

  16. A lot of women do carry firearms, most of them are smart and don’t let you know that they have a weapon.

  17. Gun ownership does not make you safer. It’s just toxic masculinity that makes people believe otherwise. It’s a firm of magucslthinkig that doesn’t effect as many women

  18. I have my concealed carry permit. And I know several women who carry or at least own guns.


    What makes you think we don’t?

  19. The only guns I’ve ever coveted were a super soaker and the one that I played Duck Hunt with when I was 8.

    I don’t find other gunsto be necessary in my daily life.

  20. They are smart enough not to talk about conceal carrying.

    In Florida a third of the concealed carry licenses are issued to women.

  21. I would rather carry mace/pepper gel than a lethal weapon, both because I don’t want to take a life if I can avoid it but also because having a gun available to yourself opens the door to having the gun taken from you and used against you or someone else (by a partner, child, assailant, whatever)

  22. Because most people carrying guns aren’t actually doing so for necessary protection, but to overcompensate for a tiny penis

  23. The *last* thing you want to do is advertise the fact you have a gun if you’re a responsible gun owner.

  24. Personally?

    1. Guns are fucking expensive

    2. An inexperienced gun owner in a confrontation with an aggressor/ intruder is very likely to have the gun taken and used against them

    3. Most women are in more danger from men who are close to them, than from strangers. Statistically, my future murderer already has access to my house and knows where i keep my weapons because he’s my husband.

  25. Probably because if we own guns they’re more likely to be used against us than us use them to protect ourselves.

  26. I have too much heavy crap in my purse already.

    But also I don’t like guns and don’t feel a need to have one. Even if I did have one, the chances I could ever use it to successfully defend myself are very slim. And even if I did think it was worth having one, I certainly wouldn’t want everyone to know that I had it.

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