I’m a 28 year old male. I was born and raised in a midwest suburb nowhere near the ocean. I am not trying to be anyone else but me. I have a vocal fry and a raspy voice and everytime I speak in public, I immediately see people turning around out of curiosity.

I cannot tell you how many people asked me if I’m from california in my lifetime. I’ve had people even tell me “Talk normal just one time so we can hear what you sound like”

I’ve been called a “Fake ass California poser” behind my back too.

I don’t want to take some speech class to talk normal. This is just me. Yes, I say “Dude” and “Bro” a lot. What fucking guy doesn’t?? But that’s me!!! Every time I even try to speak in General American (is this what it is?) it feels fucking weird.

It’s not extremely heavy but it especially comes out if I get excited or I’m with my boys.

I’m just scared people are thinking I’m putting on a show when I speak. It has me even self conscious at times when I really start having conversations with people. Does anyone else have this issue?

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