I’m in a lesbian relationship with my 20 yo partner. She is bi (for context). My partner and I got an apartment last July and we’ve been dating since January. She’s been incredible to me, but I’m worried about her guy friend. They were co-workers since February and they seem weirdly close. Since before we moved in, she’s been helping him with a project in his home when they hang out they’ll be together from 8 to 9 hours which kind of sounds weird to me. A couple other things that stand out to me…
1. They call one another bestfriends
2. She got him a christmas gift (something she only did for her family and I otherwise) It wasn’t extravagant, but he got her a shirt and mug too
3. My gf doesn’t really talk about anyone unless something outrageous happens, but she does talk about him. (She just isn’t gossipy, but we tell each other everything)
4. Her mom gave him a gift. (It was just money, but he’s just a coworker my gf hasn’t even known a year)
5. She always says they end up watching movies. Like Star Wars films (which I don’t like Star Wars movies)

In my experience, guys can’t be “just friends” with a girl. I’m trying not to be paranoid, but she’s comfortable enough with him to share her phone code with him.
I haven’t been the best partner either… I failed to pay my half of rent these last couple months. She’s never yelled at me about it though. And she got my amazing gifts for Christmas.
I’ve met the guy… he isn’t handsome but super nice. Nothing about him seems disingenuous and I could see someone falling for his personality. Am I crazy? Do they seem “too” close? I know I need to improve. I can pay my part of the bills this month to start. She doesn’t text him non-stop or nothing. Something just feels weird about their friendship. I feel nuts even having to wonder. She always just says he’s a good friend that cares about everyone, and I want to believe her especially cuz he wasn’t rude to me at all.

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